Christmas 2023 Reflections

As 2023 draws to a close, we can all find ourselves reflecting on this past year.

Reflecting about what’s happened in our lives and the new year ahead. Reflecting about the meaning behind the Christmas message. The Christians in Media team has been reflecting too. This year we’ve launched our new podcast, regional hubs, welcomed another cohort of talented mentees who have a passion for their faith and media, brought Christians together at online and in-person events, prayed for media many times, besides much more.

You can watch our Chair of Trustees thoughts via the video below.

Most of all we’re grateful to God for all that’s He done to enable us to serve our community, as you shape the media landscape for His glory.

We know times are challenging and for many Christmas is a season of additional pressures. Yet, as our guest blog author, Kwesi writes below we can give in so many ways. It is through receiving and knowing Jesus, that amazing and best gift God sent to the world through His Son, we can have assurance. And through this be a channel of showing and telling the gospel message to everyone.

Hello, Christians in Media family!

I am Kwesi, a current Mentee on the 2023 Mentoring Programme (I’m loving it, just to add) and hopefully a beloved alumnus for years to come.

I have been given the opportunity to talk about ‘giving’. 

When I was asked to consider this theme, I prayed (always a good start) and asked God to give me a revelation of my own desire to give and what has influenced ‘why’ and ‘how’ I give. 

I wanted to start by making these statements: 

I believe, our giving is deeply aligned with our gratitude.

I believe, when we see what we have been given and are grateful for it, we ourselves, develop a desire to give too.

I LOVE to encourage others.

The reason I give so much encouragement, is because I know that there were so many people in my life when I was younger, that God used to encourage me. Church leaders, family members, sports teams’ coaches and teachers, so many people poured into my life in a positive way, that inspired me to pour into others. 

None more so influential, than Jesus Christ, who, at a time in my life where didn’t I know if he was real, he poured his love into me and led me to scriptures, that encouraged me to believe there was ‘someone for me’, and for the first time I believed!

So, now, I give. I give as an expression of my gratitude and thanks. I give encouraging words, positivity, my time and my energy to others to give them an opportunity to know that someone else is ‘for them’ too. 

I also give financially, each month to my local church, because I believe that, that this is what God has called my family and I to do. To share our resources, with the local church, so, they can be empowered to reach and impact many people’s lives, much like the early church, in Acts. (Acts 2:44-46).

Christians in Media has given me an opportunity to learn and grow from other Christ centred people in the media industry. God has done for them what he did for Abraham in Genesis 12. He has blessed them to be a blessing. We all have that opportunity, when we give.

I would love for you to consider your giving. Would you give to Christians in Media to continue to support them to reach and impact many more people? So they bring about change in an industry that God has the power to influence mightily through his people for good.

Let’s pray together for God’s wisdom, strength and provision this season:

Father, thank you that you are our Heavenly Father. We ask for you to be with all our Christians in Media family. Thank you that you know all our needs and supply them. We pray for your peace as we reflect this month. And help us to know how we have been blessed, and to consider our own giving, remembering what we too have been given by you Lord and by others. Help us this Christmas time to be a blessing to those you are waiting to bless. Help us to pour into others’ lives the power of the good news be this through our word or actions. Amen.

Picture of Kwesi

Blog Author

Kwesi Darkwa

Kwesi currently works in the education sector as a Chaplain. Where he also produces 'Spiritual Reflection’ content for schools, as part of the wider Church of England development programme. He’s passionate about creatively connecting and communicating with young people.

Kwesi’s a husband, dad and when he’s not asking the questions that others may be afraid to ask, he loves sport, in particular football and is a Chelsea fan.

Kwesi’s a Mentoring Programme mentee currently interested in presenting, broadcasting, content creation and communication opportunities. Connect with him: @godcntrdlife.


Season’s Greetings


Can Churches Pray for Media?