Now Generation

Here at Christians in Media we’re all about the next generation of young Christians flourishing in their faith and being influencers in the Kingdom. That’s why we have our Mentoring Programme which offers the unique opportunity of building media capability and faith-based support over a six month period.

So, when we heard about Andy Monks’ latest book, The Now Generation we were intrigued. Why? Because Andy writes about young people impacting the world today, not waiting until tomorrow. We wanted to speak with him and find out more. Welcome to our Christians in Media blog, Andy:

What led you to focus on the phrase ‘now generation’?

I have worked with young people, in a variety of settings for over 15 years. In that time, there has always been one phrase used above any other to describe young people when it comes to them being leaders and having influence: the next generation. To be honest, I have often found that this phrase has frustrated me, as it implies that young people can be leaders and have influence one day in the future; whereas I believe that young people are the now generation because they can lead and have influence today. Jesus has gifted young people in so many ways and I believe He calls and longs for them to use their gifts now and not just in the future, to have a positive influence on this world for His Kingdom’s sake.

Thinking of young Christians who have a passion for their faith and media, what would help them impact the world today?

The world today often talks about having a platform and growing a platform. This is particularly true in the world of media, where there is often an aim to grow in followers, likes and subscriptions. However, to influence the world in a positive way, we have to change our posture from having a platform, to being a platform. Changing the focus off ourselves and adding value to those we elevate and choose to put on the platform.

Within the media sphere, how can young Christians be the ‘now generation’?

Ask yourself, ‘How can I be a platform?’ Instead of celebrating yourself, how can you use your platform to celebrate Jesus. After all, the main place we want to lead people is into a relationship and life walking with Jesus. Secondly, how can you use your platform to celebrate others? Good leaders let others know that they are valued. Yor platform can be a great way to celebrate the gifting, achievements, and testimonies of others.

You mention in your book about people reaching their full God-given potential. At Christians in Media, we want this too. Where does The Now Generation fit into this and how will it help young people lead?

There have been many leadership books written over the years, and a lot of them give great theoretical insight into what makes a good leader. However, I felt called to write a book that would help give young people practical application on how to be a good leader who would have positive influence on the world. In learning the how, I believe this book will help you lead well and have a positive influence, for God’s glory.

Thanks, Andy. Sound advice! And loved that sense of how you spoke about being a platform, rather than aligning yourself to the world’s posture. You can purchase your copy of The Now Generation here.

Blog Guest

Andy Monks

Andy is Head of Children and Youth at Ascension Balham, in south London, having previously led a professional football club’s academy medical department and pioneered numerous ministries at home and abroad . Andy is passionate about seeing young people come to know Jesus and live out the greater things He has called them to do.

Connect with him: @andy.monks17


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