Can Threads be woven for the Gospel?

Seemingly out of nowhere in early July, Meta announced the imminent launch of their newest social media app, Threads, which was slated to be the ‘Twitter killer’.

After some contentious badinage between Meta’s owner Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk, this seemed to be the latest in a series of oneupmanship more befitting a playground than two of the biggest players in twenty-first century technological advancement. As a Faith Influencer, Digital Marketer and recent graduate of the Christians in Media Mentoring Programme, I was asked by UCB Radio’s Talking Point host Paul Hammond to discuss Threads and how we can navigate social media as believers.

Threads has had an auspicious start. Since its launch on 7th July, it has become the quickest consumer app to reach 100 million users which is perhaps unsurprising given its close connection to Instagram. Those already using Instagram can seamlessly sign up to Threads in app, maintaining their username and verification status.

Meta’s aim was simple: to create a friendly Twitter. However, can Threads remain ‘friendly’, a hate-free online utopia where people are respected regardless of beliefs? Though it would be wonderful, I am not convinced. I believe the particular social media platform is not the issue as, whether through videos or text, they enable what is in people’s hearts to be broadcast to millions. Jesus said to guard our hearts because what we do will flow from them. Intolerance is the order of the day and the fruit of that is being seen on every social media platform

At the end of the day, social media is simply a tool. Christine Caine said that we now have the technology to reach every person across the globe for Jesus, and that is not an advantage to be taken lightly by believers. Though social media can be dark, we are called to be a light upon the hill, emanating the glorious love of Jesus to everyone around. This is not a time for believers to be quiet on social media, thinking it impolite to ‘impose’ our views on others. Sharing the gospel is not imposing, but quite simply the most loving thing we could ever do.

So, with the launch of Threads I would say this: view it as a Mission Field. Work with God to find creative ways to spread His Word and don’t be dismayed by the darkness. Darkness cannot overcome light. Let’s shape Threads to be the greatest evangelistic tool of the twenty-first century.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life
— Proverbs 4:23

Blog Author

Luisa Webster

Faith Influencer, Digital Content Creator & Christians in Media Mentoring Programme Alumna.
Connect with Luisa YouTube or Threads @_luisawebster.


Ben Elliott is a communication professional.

Coming together: Creative & Media Spheres


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